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"American National Standards Institute and International Accreditors for Continuting Education"


April 19, 2023

By Susan Jean Smith

The develpment of the original Continuting Education Unit includes using the ANCI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education Training. In 1968, the United State Department of Education held a task force called the Council on the Contiuning Education Unit. The investigation looked at measuring noncredit continuing education activities. In 1970, the CEU was born and became standardized as 10 contact hours. The task force developed and IACET became the foundation of CEU accreditation in 1990. Finally, in 2006, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved ANSI Standards Developer. Today, IACET utilizes the ANSI/IACET Standard for research about the learning procedures.

The purpose is to create a structure for ongoing improvement and for exceptional learning techniques for adult learners. The standard process is below.

American National Standards Institute ( ANSI) in the United States

The guidelines for standards and assessments is set by the organization, American National Standards Institute, in the United States of America. ANSI asserts that IACET's legal obilgations meet the ANSI directives for openness, consensue, balance, and due process. ANSI is the United States model for the International Organization for Standards and is a primary member of the International Accreditation Forum. One of the goals of the American National Standards Institute is rely on the industry experts and volunteers to improve the international competitiveness of U. S. businesses. This can be done by making a positive impact on accreditation techniques.

Susan Jean Smith's Viewpoint of ANSI

Accepted technology for course creation has boarders for product and service educational enities. Serveral different types of devises are used by learners when taking online classes. U.S. product safety standards are the leaders for international types of do-s and don'ts in the world. The American National Standards Institute can establish how educational products may be used for marketing. Stakeholders can have confidence in with their ability to contact ANCI to be heard without fear of a dominating group. Fair and benificial standards are presented by ANCI because of the committees who are a part of ANCI. ANCI has an audit program to inspect the qualities of their standard proceedures. In addition, appeals may be put in place to review individual proceedures for course development. There is a fair regulatory board for ANSI's developers and conformance to the ANSI's Standards. Lawyers uphold legal rules and the due process of recommended procedures for avoiding liability problems. Quality continuing education is ongoing with ANCI working together with the International Accreditors for Contiuning Education and Training. It is just important to recognize that ANCI is providing the needed leadership in the United States to connect to IACET for accrediation. This can be especially important to instructional designers because of ANCI's open door policy. As instructional designers, we can voluteer to be a contributor to what ANCI is currently doing. As a result, we can learn more to be better providers of Continuing Education Unit course development.

The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995

Public Law 104-113, the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, is a law that was passed for all federal goverment agencies. This law actually requires goverment agencies to use whenever possible standards created by voluntary consensus groups instead of making goverment- unique standards. Therefore the organizational methods of ANSI meet the requirements of this public law. That within itself, is a representation of fair practices.


IACET. (n.d.). The History of IACET. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

COORDINATION IN THE U.S. STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM. (n.d.). Coordination in the U.S. standardization system. American National Standards Institute. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

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